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Thursday, May 20, 2010

True Motivation

I love these findings that Dan Pink covers in his TED talk and this very cool animatic presentation. In short - for simple straight forward tasks, the carrots and sticks incentives are outstanding. Yet when you are in a thinking work environment, the information worker environment most of us play in, carrots and sticks are a disincentive. Instead, it is intrinsic motivators that generates results and great innovation that sticks. His 3 key recommendations are:

- Autonomy: e.g. 24 hours to work on anything you want and then share your insight
- Mastery: e.g. great minds tackle hard challenges for free, for a contribution
- Purpose: e.g. serving for something bigger than yourself

How does this show up in your organization? Is there an appetite for such approaches? What can you do today to take control of your part in living this way, if you choose to?

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