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Thursday, May 20, 2010

Oxygen Mask

In my upcoming book- "The 101% You: Seven Steps to Living the Success You Deserve" I provide questions and exercises to experience being, doing and having all the success you deserve. You will learn the importance of you owning 100% of who you are, just the way you are, and then some more.

For those concerned about the focus on “you” as ego-centered – consider this metaphor to understand the intent of this focus: you are on an airplane and you hear the safety announcement: “If the oxygen mask drops, adults put your mask on first and then assist children and others.” That’s the concept of healthy "me first." You are no good to your children and others if you die in the process of helping them first. Keep this metaphor in mind, in case you start to feel Resonant Insights is heavily focused on You- that is the intention and we are 101% devoted to your success!

Remember, your success is as close to you as your breath.

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