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Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Start with Being

Ever since the Industrial Age, we reward a DO-HAVE-BE culture. When you DO the hard work, then you'll HAVE the promotion/money to BE happy. Instead, there are many that are seeing the benefits of starting with the end desired outcome in mind. The goal of all humans is to be happy and satisfied. That's how we define success at Resonant Insights. When you are BEING the best you can be, DOING what resonates with your purpose - you will HAVE what you desire and more. It all starts with your being clear about what you want.

This is a founding principle in launching Resonant Insights. We enable leaders, individual contributors and teams to get clear about their end state - their intention, their being state. We invite our clients to hold Big High Audacious Intentions (BHAI). Once their is clarity about that end desired state - the how to get there, the doing starts to fall in place. Once your doing actions are in alignment with your being-state, then having what you desire comes with ease.

Share your stories of experiencing the two approaches and how they feel for you. Would you rather live in a DO-HAVE-BE state of mind or in a BE-DO-HAVE one?

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