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Friday, May 21, 2010

Be You. All 100% of You.

As social human-beings, it is this man's belief that we adapt to our environment in ways that are beyond our own recognition. How quickly are our five and four year old girls learning this and so is our two year old son. What is "right" and "wrong." What they "should" do vs. "want" to do, etc. Regardless of how I or my wife try, we will leave a stamp of how one "should" be in the world. I am sad about that AND recognize I can only do my best, my 100%.

That is the essence of the concept of 100% at Resonant Insights. An individual, team or company can only do their best, THEIR best. It's not about matching or even bettering another company's effort, it's about giving those gifts to the world that are unique to the individual, team or company. No one else can replicate it just the same way.

Gone are the days of the cookie-cutter manufacturing line. Yes there's still a lot of mass production and there's tons of choice. Each brand and choice is unique even though it might come very close to the other. Why is it we don't recognize that for ourselves, the human-being? Each one of us are a unique expression. Accept and relax in it and relish the preciousness that you are - 100% of the time. You are the only You there is. No one on this planet has the same DNA, the exact same thoughts, the exact same experiences that you have and are having. Stop the comparing, criticizing condemning those that are different than you - as we are all different. That's what makes life so fun and alive! May we learn and grow together!

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