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Monday, May 24, 2010

Life is Binary

As much as I am all about different perspectives on any issue, in the end I (you) have to choose. It comes down to a "Yes" or "No." If you dig deep enough, just about anything is binary. The sooner I can grapple with that and quit hiding behind the grey areas, I have clarity and the conviction to move forward. Grey is equivalent to a stuck part of me. A part that hides, suppresses or denies the truth of what I desire. Once I have that clarity - then the choice of yes or no is far easier.

Remember, it's not about the choice being right or wrong, it's simply what we make of it. Those times when I regret a choice is the time to rethink not the choice as that was simply an opportunity to learn. I need to examine why the regret? What in me judges that decision and then carries the regret with me.

I invite you to consider what areas of your life are in a "parking lot," neither decided, nor willing to decide. Consider applying the Sedona Method and asking these 3 simple, yet not easy, questions:

1. Could I make this decision?
2. Would I make this decision?
3. When will I make this decision?

The first "could" is usually easy enough. The "would" question is where it gets difficult and the ego kicks in. The final question of when must almost always be NOW. Why wait? If it's important enough and it's on your mind - just get it done. What's the worst that can happen? You get to do it differently next time.

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