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Saturday, June 12, 2010

Being Succeedy

This guy is hillarious. Take the 10 minutes to watch L. Vaughan talk about his workshops with corporates. Hats off to him. "Prioritize and mosturize" is certainly not the motto of Resonant Insights and it certainly qualifies for a line that's not same-old/same-old. Enjoy!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Write Your Future

If you haven't seen this Nike World Cup ad already - watch it now! Nike does it again. From the best tag-line ever of "Just do it" now comes "Write your Future." This is at the heart of Resonant Insights mantra of "Be Your 101%." Join us in celebrating human potential as exemplified so well in this ad/video.

Choice vs. Decision

I was recently reminded of the distinction between these words and found it very powerful and liberating. First, here's one definition of each word:

CHOICE: (noun) the right, power, or opportunity to choose; option: The choice to play a game."

DECISION: (noun) the final score in any sport or contest: The decision was 5 to 4 in favor of the home team.

Choice simple is. It requires no explanation, no data, no meaning attached to it and it is 100% personal. Each of us make choices constantly, consciously or not. Choice is a feeling, emotive thing.
- I choose to have pancakes for breakfast.
- I choose not to shower.
- I choose not to speak to a certain person.

Decision inevitably is based on data, direct or indirect. It's based on past experiences and usually involves an "if... then..." logic. Decisions are mostly brain based and even those that are gut based have the elements of data and basing your gut on something you've experienced. Taking the same examples above we get:
- I decide not to have pancakes today because of the calories involved.
- I decide to shower because I'll stink if I don't.
- I choose not to speak to that person because I don't have time.

Now the beauty of this distinction is when we apply it consciously. How often do you have self-doubt, self-judgement and make up stories in your mind about your choice and confuse it with a decision? It's simply your choice - no need to explain why. Actually neither is there a need to explain a decision however you have data for yourself to know why you arrived at that decision. There is no need for that data with a choice. It simply is.

Play around with this concept today and comment on it if you choose.